Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Joke A Day - Jokes ByEmail - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Marriage Jokes :: #691
By Emilio Candia from Santiago R. M. Chile

A prisoner in jail receives a letter from his wife: "Dear Husband, I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When is the best time to plant them?" The prisoner, knowing that the prison guards read all mail, replied in a letter: "Dear Wife, whatever you do, do not touch the back garden. That is where I hid all the money." A week or so later, he received another letter from his wife: "Dear Husband, You wouldn't believe what happened, some men came with shovels to the house, and dug up all the back garden." The prisoner wrote another letter back: "Dear wife, now is the best time to plant the lettuce."

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The Tip of The Day from
Words of Knowledge :: #163
By Garret Geichy from Loveland USA.

Letting Go
It is because of our attachment to things that we suffer. By letting go we find that we have not lost anything except our attachment.

Sogyal Rinpoche -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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