Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Joke A Day - Jokes ByEmail

aJokeADay.com - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Female Jokes :: #8516
By Summer from Albania New York USA.

A man was walking on the beach one day and he found a bottle half buried in the sand. He decided to open it. Inside was a genie. The genie said," I will grant you three wishes and three wishes only." The man thought about his first wish and decided, "I think I want 1 million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account. POOF! Next he wished for a Ferrari red in color. POOF! There was the car sitting in front of him. He asked for his final wish, " I wish I was irresistible to women." POOF! He turned into a box of chocolates.

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The Tip of The Day from WisdomTips.com
Love & Dating :: #813
By Karen from Buffalo USA.

Take of yourself first!
Always make sure you can take care of yourself before you take care of someone else.

aJokeADay.com - www.ajokeaday.com
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