Friday, May 31, 2024

8 Small Habits that Changed My Life

A motivational message to older Spartans
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In today's edition, Joe shares:
  • Eight Life-Changing Habits to Start Today
  • Why Eat Protein
  • Find Your Why

Life has a way of teaching us profound lessons through the people we meet and the experiences we share. This week, I'm sharing eight small habits that have transformed my life, gleaned from people (some expected, some surprising) I've encountered over the years.

From My Wife

1. Praise When You Can
A few words of praise can go a long way. Recognizing and appreciating the efforts of others builds strong, positive relationships. It's a principle that's so powerful, yet so underused.

2. Sit Down, Slow Down, and Eat Together
Meals are a time for connection. Taking the time to sit down and eat together strengthens family bonds and creates lasting memories.

From a Mafia Boss

3. On Time is Late
Punctuality isn't just about being on time; it's about respecting others' time. Being early shows you value your commitments and the people around you.

4. Clean the Shed
Do more than you're asked to, even if it means doing something as mundane as cleaning the shed when you were asked to mow the lawn. This mindset of going above and beyond fosters an attitude of excellence and reliability.

5. Never Ask for Money - Provide Value First
Money follows value. Before seeking compensation, make sure you're delivering exceptional quality and benefits to others. When you provide something truly valuable, the rewards will follow naturally.

From My Yogi Mom

6. Eat More Salad
Nutrition is fundamental. Incorporating more greens into your diet can boost energy levels, improve mood, and enhance overall health.

7. You Have to Eat a Barrel of Salt with Someone Before You Can Judge
Building deep, meaningful relationships takes time. Before forming opinions about others, invest time in understanding them fully.

From My Dad

8. Have Gratitude Like a Monk
Gratitude is a powerful tool for a fulfilling life. Practice developing a deep sense of gratitude for everything you have, much like a monk who finds contentment in simplicity. This attitude leads to happiness, resilience, and a positive outlook.

Here's to The Hard Way!


We know that protein helps build the muscle you need to tackle any obstacle. But wait — there's more! Here are three unique reasons why OCR athletes should load up on protein.

  1. You'll Snack Less. Protein, versus carbohydrates and fats, takes the longest time to digest in the stomach. Eating about 25-35 grams of protein per meal, spaced out throughout the day, will keep you feeling fuller, longer, says Kelly Jones MS, RD, CSSD, LDN.
  2. You'll Power Your Immune System. When you eat a protein-rich diet consistently, your body has an easier time repairing tissues and fighting off viral and bacterial infections. Without enough protein, you may be left tired, weak, and exposed to illness, according to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition.
  3. You'll Improve Bone Health. Taking in adequate amounts of dietary protein (regularly, and across your lifespan) not only grows and repairs muscles short term but also helps prevent bone issues later, like osteoporosis, according to a study published in the Journal of Bone Mineral Research. That's right, we want to see 100-year old you still crushing the course.

You Ask, Joe Answers
Q: Hey Joe, I am 67. I have a dream goal to do a Mudder or Spartan to prove to myself that I can, but am afraid to do it as I feel I do not have strength! Any advice?
- Kathy S.

A: Hey Kathy, 1. It's never too late to get stronger and 2. it's totally possible to race a Spartan or Tough Mudder without having it all together. Set a goal based on what you can do during your first event. There's nothing wrong with walking the course or tackling just one obstacle. In the meantime, if you can muster a few workouts a week that include a 3-mile walk and bodyweight exercises that build strength like squats, pushups, and pullups, you'll see results. I'm also a huge fan of hot yoga to increase mobility, bone density, and heart health.


Question for Joe? Want to tell him what you think of The Hard Way? Email him at
They Said It
"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."
Maya Angelou
The Hard Way Podcast
"Stop letting the world tell you what your own story is."
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