Friday, May 31, 2024

The #1 Client Acquisition Mistake (And How to Fix It)

Happy Friday!
For those looking to learn how to land more clients for their freelance or agency business...
This is just a friendly reminder that the special early bird pricing of nearly 60% off my new Client Acquisition Course ends tonight at 11:59pm PST.
If you have any questions, hit reply and ask away!

For anyone who doesn't want to land more clients for their business, but wants to learn about one of the top client acquisition mistakes I see freelancers and agencies make:
At this point, 10 years into the freelancing and agency game, I've seen it all regarding client acquisition. 
This is easily one of the top five mistakes I see that constantly prevents freelancers and agencies from scaling their income.
Can you guess what it is?
They rely too heavily on word-of-mouth and referrals.
Now, don't get me wrong – word-of-mouth and referrals are fantastic. 
They're a testament to the great work you do and the relationships you build.
But here's the thing…
You must take a more proactive approach if you want to scale your business and create a predictable, consistent stream of high-paying clients.
ESPECIALLY in the early days.
Word-of-mouth and referrals really only start to kick in once you have dozens of clients and have proven yourself to your clients and network over a long period of time.
But in the beginning, it's foolish to think it will drive meaningful leads for your business.
You MUST reach out to your ideal prospects at least weekly, but truthfully, you should send daily outreach messages. If not, you'll lose to the person who is putting in the work day in and day out.
And when you do reach out, you need to know what to say. 99.99% of the cold emails and DMs I receive are awful. Everyone is copying each other's outreach and it's all wrong.
Every time I receive bad outreach (multiple times a day), I want to help each person individually. But sadly, I can't. It would take too long at scale.
I know this might sound harsh, but it's the reality.
It's the reality I wish someone told me back in 2014 when I was starting to freelance.
I wasted a lot of time hoping, praying, and waiting for leads to come to me. Even though I wasn't deserving.
Why not? I wasn't putting in the work and being strategic about my outreach.
Once I finally learned... it was game over!
As a result, I've been able to build businesses (mainly agencies) that now earn 8 figures a year combined.
This is exactly why I created this new Client Acquisition Course.
Because as I mentioned, I want to help everyone who reaches out, but I just can't do it 1-1. So I decided to take all of my knowledge and put it into this new course.
In this comprehensive program, I'll teach you the proven strategies I used to land over 1,000 clients, with retainers ranging from $500 to a whopping $17,500 per month.
We'll dive deep into:
  • Mastering cold email outreach to fill your pipeline with warm leads
  • Writing cold DMs that actually get responses and convert into paying clients
  • Leveraging lead magnets to attract your ideal clients on autopilot
  • Harnessing the power of social media to build your authority and attract high-quality leads
  • And so much more…

With the course, you won't have to spend another day stuck in the feast-or-famine cycle.

With this course, you’ll get everything you need to develop your proactive approach to client acquisition…
You'll have the confidence and control to grow your business on your terms without relying on the unpredictability of referrals and word-of-mouth.
And if you take advantage of this offer now, you'll get a massive $400 off the regular price… 
(REMINDER: This special pricing is only valid from now until tonight at 11:59pm PST)

You got this,

- Chase

P.S. Please don't put me in an uncomfortable position to have to say no to honoring this discount once the code expires tonight.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that for you. I'll have to send you the code for next week which is only around 35% off (instead of ~60% off today).

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