Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Enjoy This Farmers Market Season

May is fast approaching, which means it's almost that time of year again: farmers market season. If you aren't already shopping at one, here's why you should be.
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By Paola de Varona, News Editor
May is fast approaching, which means it's almost that time of year again: farmers market season. If you aren't already shopping at one, here's why you should be.
Today's Top Story
Farmers Markets Are Bringing Fresh Produce to City Neighborhoods
Climate change is increasingly threatening our food production. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned in its 2022 report that extreme climate damages our soil health—and it's exposing millions of people to food insecurity.
Farmers markets can be part of the solution. Locally-sourced and in-season food travels shorter distances to get to you. And many small farmers institute more sustainable agriculture practices. Not to mention, produce bought at these markets tends to be cheaper and has less packaging waste.
In New York City, GrowNYC hosts more than 50 Greenmarkets across all five boroughs. At these markets, New Yorkers can access fresh produce from local farms. Shoppers who are in the SNAP program may also redeem their benefits at all locations. Initiatives like this are increasing access to nutritious foods.
Know More
Research suggests that the type of food you buy, not just how far it travels, makes the most impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Beef is one of the food industry's biggest contributors to climate change. Some experts say buying "locally-sourced beef" does not significantly reduce your carbon footprint. But replacing beef—even for just one meal— fruits and veggies will.
Feel Better
Beyond its environmental impact, connecting with your community at a farmers market is a good idea. You'll likely have fresher produce, and you'll be able to chat with the person growing your food.
The 2019 National Farmers Market Managers survey shows that there are more than 8,000 farmers markets across the country.
A Potential COVID Vaccine for Cancer Patients
Researchers in Germany have developed a new vaccine, called CoVac-1, that produced a strong immune response in patients with cancer like leukemia and lymphoma. In fact, the new vaccine produced better immunity compared to patients who received an mRNA vaccine. Experts say the results are promising but need to be replicated in larger populations.
CDC Updates COVID Travel Health Notice System
During the pandemic, the CDC developed a Travel Health Notice system for international destinations. But the agency is now reconfiguring what countries classify as the highest risk category. Level four is now reserved for special circumstances like rapidly escalating COVID cases, a new variant of concern, or healthcare infrastructure collapse. Before traveling internationally, you can check out how your destination ranks here.
If you're looking to minimize your food waste even further, try composting. In an interview with Verywell, Natalie Hoidal, MS, a vegetable and local foods educator at the University of Minnesota, shared some tips for getting started.
One of the best systems is to have multiple piles. You can add things to one pile, when that pile starts to get full leave it alone and start adding to your next pile. If you're constantly adding new material it's hard to get to a point where it's all broken down.
Natalie Hoidal, MS
Vegetable and local foods educator at the University of Minnesota
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  Chicago's Guaranteed Income Pilot Opened on Monday. WBEZ Chicago
  The Air-Ambulance Vultures. New York Magazine
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