| |  Safety :: #6054 By Michelle Welch from Sarnia, Ontario Canada
Tornado Safety Most people in North America live in what is called Tornado Alley and here are a few tips to survive a tornado.
A Tornado Watch is issued if conditions are right for tornado development. (No tornado is sighted yet)
A Tornado Warning is issued when a tornado is sighted and on the ground.
Responding To a Tornado Warning
1. If you are in the open, seek shelter in a sturdy building. If a building is not close by find a depression or a ditch and lay as flat as you can and try to find something to hold onto like a tree, post in the ground or a bush.
2. If you are in a vehicle try to get away from the tornado and if you cannot leave the vehicle and seek shelter in a ditch it is safer than the car.
3. If you are in a public building get to the lowest floor and seek shelter in an inside hallway far away from windows. If you are in charge in the building try to get the people into a safe place without panicking them.
4. If you are at home go to the basement under a staircase or close to your washer and dryer. If there is no basement go to the main floor into a closet and close the door, or into the bathtub and cover yourself with the cushions of the sofa, or turn the sofa over and crawl under the space between the floor and where the seat and back join.
5 If you live in a mobile home leave it immediately and go to a more substantial building like a neighboring home or business, or get to the lowest spot you can find.
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