Welcome to day two of the MyDomaine Organization Challenge. Today, we're clearing your bedroom's clutter.
| Small spaces are notoriously difficult to decorate—and the stakes for getting it right are surprisingly high | VIEW IN BROWSER | | | THE MYDOMAINE ORGANIZATION CHALLENGE | The bedroom might be one of the most important rooms to keep organized. Since you start and end each day there, it should be a calming, clutter-free environment. Here are 5 ways to organize your bedroom into a streamlined, stylish space ideal for rest and relaxation. | | | | | | | | | | | "Organized clutter" can actually be chic when styled correctly. The key is knowing the difference between good clutter (stacks of books and magazines, art resting up against the wall) and bad clutter (dirty clothes, unopened mail, unmanaged electrical cords), and getting rid of the latter first. | | | | | | | In general, the bedroom is not the ideal place to keep any excess items, says feng shui expert Laura Cerrano. She suggests avoiding under-bed storage, which could obstruct your sleep pattern. "If you do need to store items under the bed, be mindful of who gave these items to you and what emotional content you associate with them." | | | | | | | Motivate yourself to make your bed every single morning by thinking of how good it feels to check into a nice hotel with a freshly made bed. To make it Ritz-Carlton-worthy, opt for two sheets and fold the edge of the top one over the duvet. | | | | | | | If you're guilty of leaving clothes strewn on the floor or piled up in a chair, consider keeping two hampers in your room: one for laundry-bound items (like your sweaty workout clothes) and one for items that need to be rehung or put away (those jeans that look their best after a few wears). | | | | | | | "I find that intentionally styled surfaces discourage the dreaded clutter piles from forming," says professional organizer Shira Gill. Style the top with fresh flowers, scented candles, and framed photos, and keep your necessities (reading glasses, lip balm, eye mask) stocked in your nightstand draw. | | | | | | | |  | | |