Monday, June 19, 2017

Joke of the day - Piano Tuner

Practicing for 30 Years
Doctor Jokes
Submitted by Makki

My doctor said he's been practicing medicine for 30 years...

What I want to know is when will he start doing it for real?

Piano Tuner
Misc Jokes
Submitted by wadejagz

It seems that every time John, our piano tuner, comes to our house, he scolds me for waiting too long between tunings. I agree with him that it should be done every six months, but I don't really think about it until the piano sounds off-key. Last time he came over, I was on the defensive.

"If you would send out a postcard reminder like the dentist," I declared, "I would make sure to call you for an appointment in a timely fashion."

Without hesitating, he replied, "From now on, when the dentist sends you a postcard, call me."

The Tip of The Day from


"Your loneliness is your SELF wanting to make friends with itself. Your loneliness is your HEART wanting to sing to it. Your loneliness is your BEING wanting to dance with it."

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