|  Little Johnny Jokes :: #23266 By Paul Nitardy from Fort Atkinson Wisconsin USA. Little Jonny was assigned a job for the choir on Christmas his job was when the choir sang 'and the Angel lit the candle' he was to come out and light the candle. So before the service on Christmas Eve they had a practice. So the choir got to the part and sang 'and the Angel lit the candle' and there was no Jonny so they sang it a bit louder thinking he didn't hear them and still no Jonny so they sang it even louder and finally Jonny came out and sang; And the cat peed on the matches!
Forward this joke to your friends >> | | |  Miscellaneous :: #3298 By R.RAMACHANDRA RAO from HYDERABAD India Temptation Opportunity may knock only once but
temptation bangs on your front door for ever.
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