| |  Sport Jokes :: #952 By David Piscotti from Unknown Two golfers met at the club. "I heard about your terrible tragedy last week," said one.
"Yes," said the other sadly, sipping his drink. "I was playing a two-some with Winthrop, and he dropped dead on the ninth hole."
"I understand you carried him all the way back to the clubhouse too," the first man said sympathetically. "That must have been very difficult, considering Winthrop weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds."
"The carrying wasn't that hard. It was putting him down at every stroke, then picking him up again that wore me out."
Forward this joke to your friends >> | | |  Proverbs :: #465 By Johan Ysewijn from Antwerpen Belgium Happy life If a problem can be solved, there is no need to worry about it;
If a problem can't be solved, there is no use to worry about it.
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