Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Joke A Day - Jokes ByEmail - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Baby Jokes :: #1187
By Courtney L from USA.

A married couple rushed to the hospital because the woman was in labor the doctor asked the couple, "I have invented a new machine that you might want to try, it takes some of the labor pains away from the mother and gives it to the father." So the married couple decided that they would try this. So the doctor hooked the machine up and put it on 10% of pain switched from the mother to the father and the husband said "I feel okay turn it up a lot more" so the doctor turned it up to 50% and the husband said "why don't you just put it all on me cause I'm not feeling a thing" but the doctor warned them "this much could kill you if your not prepared", and the husband replied "I am ready "so the doctor turned the machine up to 100% but the husband didn't fell a thing so they went home happy with a pain free labor, but when they got home the mailman was dead on the front porch!

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The Tip of The Day from
Sports and Recreation :: #899
By Tom from Independence USA.

Making a smoother stroke when you putt
When you putt the ball, your stroke should look much like the pendulum of a clock swinging back and forth. You can learn this stroke in your own home by following these easy steps. 1. Lay a quarter on the floor. 2. Take a piece of string 12 inches long and lay it on the floor on the line of your putter stroke. 3. Address the quarter with your putter just like you were going to putt. 4. Working with a range of 6 inches back and 6 inches forward, swing your putting back and forward very slowly along with string.

Practice this continuous motion keeping the putting line straight. -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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