HI FELLOW AMAZING HORSEWOMEN! I wanted to give you all a little background on why I started SYNC. I was 12 years old when I left Germany and moved to the US. I didn't speak any English , and was a horse crazed teenager who was very confused about how life was changing. I didn't have many friends, and horses were what I always turned to. I remember going to the airport to pick up my grandparents, and everytime we went to the airport (which was often) I would dress up in my favorite breeches and put on my freshly polished riding boots. Even though I wasn't going to a riding lesson, I would put on my riding clothes anyway, and walk around the airport in my riding gear . Wearing my favorite breeches and boots always made me feel so empowered, so beautiful and confident, at a time of uncertainty and hardship for a confused 12 year old who had just left all her friends and extended family behind in Germany. 19 years later, I created my own line of equestrian clothing flattering and comfortable for all women, no matter what age, size or riding discipline in hopes of making them feel empowered, confident, and beautiful, and to remind them of their own inner strength, with no matter what is going on in life. I wanted to share the empowerment I received as a 12 year old, with other women all over the world. 3 years later, Sync Equestrian has shipped thousands and thousands of orders to customers all over the world, worn at the Olympics last year, and by professionals and amateurs in a variety of different disciplines, and women of different ages and sizes. Sync went from 3 breeches shipping out of my apartment, to 30+ items shipping out of our warehouse now. I have tears in my eyes as I am writing this but I am so so grateful for every single person I have met along this journey, so many strong women! Sync would not be here today without them. My beautiful customers- it is because of you we are here 3 years later. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. There are so many other photographers, models, awesome customers, my marketing team and many more who I am thankful for every day. And a big thank you to my horse King, my best friend, my motivator, the entire reason I started Sync. Always chase your dream, even if it "doesn't make sense" at the moment. When you follow your heart, everything works out. If you made it to the bottom of this post, thank you for reading and allowing me to share my journey with you   Please enjoy an additional 15% off today including sale items as a big Thank you |