Those Smart Pills Work Marriage Jokes Submitted by stee Feeling listless, I bought some expensive "brain-stimulating" pills at the health food store. But it wasn't until I got home that I read the label.
"This is just rosemary extract," I complained to my husband. "I can't believe I spent all that money for something that I have growing wild in the yard!"
"See?" he said. "You're smarter already."
Hypothetical Hollywood Marriage Jokes Submitted by Mary My wife and I were having a very hypothetical discussion... In the unlikely event that Hollywood made a movie based on our lives, we wondered what stars would play us.
"Who would you pick to portray you?" she asked me.
I thought about it for a minute, then answered, "George Clooney."
"In that case," she said, "I'll play myself."
The Tip of The Day from WisdomTips.com Best of A Bad Situation "A clever person turns great problems into little ones and little ones into none at all."
- Chinese proverb - |

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