|  Kid Jokes :: #64 By Anonymous from Unknown Some boy scouts from the city were on a camping trip. The mosquitoes were so fierce, the boys had to hide under their blankets to avoid being bitten. Then one of them saw some lightning bugs and said to his friend, "We might as well give up. They're coming after us with flashlights. Forward this joke to your friends >> | | |  Words of Knowledge :: #806 By Isak Tush from Nairobi Kenya pride and courage The definitions of pride and courage are simple: Pride is holding your head up when all around you have theirs bowed, courage is what makes you do it. | | | | aJokeADay.com - www.ajokeaday.com 999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018 1995-2013 © All rights reserved. Unsubscribe from aJokeADay.com sent to jokesbyemail@gmail.com | | | |