Learn how to make your pawed pal's 4th of July a little bit easier. Also! We are celebrating Independence Day with a Sale - SAVE 25% on ALL orders using code JULY25 at check out!
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| | | | Our Pets and Their Superior Hearing | Did you know that dogs can hear sounds four times closer than us humans? They can also hear in a broader frequency range (from 60Hz to 45,000Hz) and even detect ultrasonic sounds. In comparison, humans typically can hear in a range of 20Hz to 20,000Hz.
Cats are even more impressive with their hearing with a top end hearing range of 85,000Hz. In addition, our four-legged friends can also distinguish between similar sounding objects such as the sound of your car, versus that of a friend's car. This may be why your pet could be at your door to greet you before they even hear your garage door trigger or footsteps at the door. | | | | Fourth of July Preparation | | | | | With dogs and cats impressive hearing abilities in mind, it should be no surprise that all animals, both wild and domestic, exhibit a high amount of fear around the July 4th holiday. Pet owners can plan ahead to help their furry friends before the fireworks start and during the celebrations.
Here are some tips to make this holiday a bit easier for your pawed pal. | | | | Tip #1: Provide Distractions
| | | | This may be a bit harder for our feline friends, unless they love catnip, however dogs are very entertained with lick mats. You can freeze the lick mat to keep them distracted for even longer. A great recipe for the lick mat is a small amount of almond or peanut butter (1tsp. to 1 tbsp., depending on the size of your dog) and banana and/or mashed baked sweet potato mixed before popping the mat into the freezer. You can also pull out a puzzle or their favorite toy in order to distract them from any type of noise, before it starts. | | | | | Tip #2: Keep Them Indoors
| | | | Did you know that during the July 4th weekend more pets go missing than any other night of the year. Many of these cases can be avoided by keeping our pets inside of our homes, well before the fireworks start. It's often that people have home-fireworks that get set off before or after larger city and municipal shows, so be aware of this and keep your pets inside from early in the afternoon until the evening if possible.
| | | | | Tip #3: Create a Safe Space
| | | | If you will not be home with your loved one, you might want to consider creating a safe space for them. Whether a kennel, a bedroom or bathroom, preparing a smaller space for your pet to stay help keep them extra safe. A lot of times our pets will naturally look for a small space to hide in, but if you know that fireworks and other loud sounds can create stress, you may want to find a place in your home that they will feel comfortable in before the sounds start. Creating a safe space also reduces the likelihood of your pet injuring themselves from running around in a panic.
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