| |  Antartian Jokes :: #18078 By Leo Taylor from Brandon Vermont USA.
A man walks up to a cashier in a grocery store. He says, "Hey, how much for these jalapeƱo peppers?" He pronounces it "jo-la-pen-o", not "ho-lo-peen-yo".
The cashier says, "Sir, that's not what those peppers are called."
The man replies, "Listen, buddy, this is America, and I can pronounce any word the way I please." The cashier responds, "That is as may be, sir, but those are green peppers."
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The most-wished-for, most-gifted, and has the most 5-star reviews of any product ... | | | |  Health :: #6150 By Michelle Welch from Sarnia, Ontario Canada
Toe Nail Fungi If you have a case of toe nail fungi do not worry you are not alone, and it is not a case of poor hygiene. To get rid of it, it takes a 2 month process.
In a pan big enough to bathe both feet, mix 4 cups full of bleach and 4 cups of hot water and soak your feet for 10 minutes twice a day. At the end of the 2 months you may want to check with your physician just to make sure there is no more fungi. If you are a woman remove nail polish for the length of the treatment.
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