|  Elderly Jokes :: #2450 By Andrea from Colorado USA. This police officer sees an old lady driving and knitting at the same time so after driving next to her for awhile he yells to her,"PULLOVER". She replies,"No a pair of socks". Forward this joke to your friends >> | | |  Music :: #4547 By Anonymous from USA. Clear away scratches on CDs. For smudges and scratches on discs, non-gel toothpaste will do the trick. Just rube a little on, then remove it with a damp cloth. It may leave a few tiny scratches on the surface, but they won't affect the sound. | | | | aJokeADay.com - www.ajokeaday.com 999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018 1995-2011 © All rights reserved. Unsubscribe from aJokeADay.com sent to jokesbyemail@gmail.com | | | |