Many experts believe that troll-like behavior comes from a place of unhappiness, poorly expressed deep anger, and loneliness.

Take two minutes to read, explore, and reflect. In today's internet age you'd be hard pressed to not run into an "online troll" every once in a while. Defined as a person who makes inflammatory, insincere, and digressive comments and posts, it makes sense that our first instinct might be to confront them head-on. But is engaging with an internet troll ever worth our while? Many experts believe that troll-like behavior comes from a place of unhappiness, poorly expressed deep anger, and loneliness. They often say hurtful and crude things specifically to create a reaction, and the tactic is often successful in that it ignites heated and hurtful arguments. Ultimately, a knee-jerk reaction isn't ideal—it only allows the bully to "win." In many scenarios, the best response is none at all. Silence essentially shows that you don't value the comments enough to waste time replying. If you do feel a need to reply, perhaps to protect your reputation or stand up for a friend being bullied, aim for politeness and positivity to dampen the fire and then walk away. Trolls are people who don't love themselves, don't think anyone else loves them, and they are being hurtful just to feel some level of control over their life." Online trolls can be very skilled in getting others to respond hastily—especially if they've been practicing. When you come across a troll, try to remember that this person is probably deeply unhappy and lonely, and that engaging with them only perpetuates their behaviors and unhappiness. Responding is almost never helpful, so do your best to walk away. Ways to Stay Positive This Week Products to Help You Feel Your Best -
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