| |  Holiday Jokes :: #6299 By Alli Potenza from Indianapolis IN USA. A man and his wife are sitting at the kitchen table, which is next to the window. The man's name is Rudolph, and since he is Russian, people call him "Rudolph the Red." Rudolph looked out the window and said to his wife, "Oh look honey, it's raining outside." She looks out as well and says, "No, I think that is snow." He looks at her and says, "Rudolph the red knows rain dear." Forward this joke to your friends >> | | |  Interpersonal Skills :: #5979 By Michelle Welch from Sarnia, Ontario Canada Personal Growth I have always tried to please everyone, do the right thing, and be helpful to others only to earn no ones respect, no ones trust, and to have my help thrown back in my face. So after time has passed I have learned a few things. If you do not like me, do not like what I say, do not like what I do, do not like my help, do not like how I dress, nor like my attitude well it is not me with the problem it is you that have the problem. It has taken me years to come to this conclusion and now I like Myself, and quit trying to be something I am not, but to be myself. | | | | aJokeADay.com - www.ajokeaday.com 999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018 1995-2013 © All rights reserved. Unsubscribe from aJokeADay.com sent to jokesbyemail@gmail.com | | | |