This will help promote your pup's longevity.
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What Are Antioxidants? Why Are They Important? | | | | You may exercise your pup daily, feed them a fresh or raw food diet, and even supplement their mealtime regimen. However, are you adding antioxidants -- a crucial component in addressing premature aging -- into their meals during meal time? Why Consider it? Antioxidants help fend off harmful free radicals (learn more below). | | | | Free radicals are created as part of your dog's normal metabolic processes but are also created during exposure to toxins, when stressed, or even from more intense exercise. They're damaged cells missing a critical molecule, so they try to repair themselves by stealing molecules from other cells. This damages the DNA in that cell and makes your dog more vulnerable to disease and premature aging.
When supported with prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes (through a supplement such as Restore M3®), their body is able to leverage its natural defenses to fend off free radicals. However, sometimes, they can grow out of control. When this happens, the damage from free radicals can lead to faster aging and chronic disease, including metabolic disease, joint disease, heart, liver, and kidney disease, and even cognitive decline. | | | | Want to Learn How to Properly Implement Antioxidants into Your Pup's Meals? | | | | Click on the link below to read our recently published blog on how to best implement antioxidants into your pup's diet to support healthier aging and longevity. | | | | Reinforce Your Pup's Immune System
| | | | Restore M3® is a 3-in-1 prebiotic, probiotic and digestive enzyme blend designed to enhance and diversify your pet's microbiological populations by supporting improved digestion, immunity, and nutrient absorption. | | | | | Feel like changing the way you receive emails? | | | | | | | |