Sunday, June 18, 2023

My Sons' Heartfelt Father's Day Surprise for All Dads!

Remember the little chat we had just last week? The one where I shared about a funny little comment I made to my sons that unexpectedly landed me a call from their friend "Little Johnny's" parents?

Well, if you missed out on that story, let me give you a quick refresher. I accidentally told my boys that any of their friends without a stash of white buckets in their basements might "soon find themselves in trouble".

Guess what? That offhand remark has really stuck with them.

Fast forward to this morning, Father's Day. Instead of their usual handmade trinkets and cards, my boys had a surprise up their sleeves. They'd hauled a few of our white buckets from the basement, with a bright idea to deliver them to their friends' dads who didn't have any.

I was genuinely moved by my sons' caring nature and their wish to follow in their dad's footsteps by offering peace of mind through being prepared for anything.

So off we went, dropping off buckets to some pleasantly surprised dads. It really made me realize how much our kids watch and learn from us, even when we think they're too busy with their own things.

In the spirit of Father's Day and my sons' wonderful idea, I'd like to extend their gift to all the dads out there. Today only, we're offering FREE SHIPPING on all our discounted emergency kits for our Father's Day sale. Just use the code FREESHIP at checkout, and we'll deliver your kit free of charge for the next 24 HOURS.

This morning, I couldn't have been prouder of my sons, and I hope every dad out there can set a positive example by teaching their kids the value of preparedness and self-reliance.

Happy Father's Day!

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