Monday, April 25, 2022

Communication Mistakes Most Couples Make: The Verywell Mind Podcast

Tune in to hear couples therapist Jenn Mann teach us how to improve our relationships with these important communication lessons.
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Healthy Mind
The Communication Mistakes Most Couples Make With Couples Therapist Jenn Mann
Amy Morin, LCSW
Verywell Mind Editor-in-Chief
On today's episode I talk with Jenn Mann, a licensed marriage and family therapist who is best known for being the host of VH1's hit shows, "Couples Therapy with Dr. Jenn" and "Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn."
Why Jenn Mann Is Mentally Strong

Dr. Jenn spent years on a national gymnastics team, competed in international competitions, and performed exhibitions at the 1984 Olympic Games.

From a young age, she realized what an asset her mindset could be and she ultimately chose to pursue a career in mental health.

What You'll Hear on the Show
  • The link between communication and connection
  • What it means to stonewall your partner and why this is so destructive
  • What it means to give someone 'cheap forgiveness' and how this erodes the relationship
  • The dangers of becoming resentful
  • How to regain connection once you feel like it's been lost
  • What to do when trust is broken
  • Why eye contact is so important in relationships
What You'll Learn About Mental Health and Mental Strength

Healthy relationships and mental strength are a two-way street. Relationships can either bolster your mental strength or detract from it. And it takes mental strength to create and maintain a relationship's health.

It's often tempting to ignore small problems. It takes courage and strength to address them–even though it feels uncomfortable. But, addressing issues and working on the relationship is key to keeping the relationship healthy over the long-term.

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Let's spend 20 minutes a day just sitting and talking with face to face time. It is one of the most valuable things that you can do in a relationship."

— Jenn Mann  

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