Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Scary Symptoms Your Dog Needs a Probiotic

Discover a few scary symptoms that indicate your dog may be in need of a probiotic

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Watch Your Pup's Actions

Our pawed pals may not speak to us about how they feel with words, but they certainly do with their actions. While it is true that pups can have random bad health days like humans, if you notice any of these seemingly innocent habits occurring, then your dog may be at risk of something more serious down the road. The good news is that adding a high quality Probiotic product, such as Restore M3®, can dramatically help with many of the below symptoms. 

Learn More About Restore M3®

5 Warning Signs to Look Out For

1. Excessive Paw Licking or Chewing

Occasional paw licking is normal for dogs as a part of their self-grooming process -- but if your dog frequently and intensely licks his or her paws, and there is no noticeable injury, it's very possible they are experiencing an allergy or sensitivity to their food or their environment. In an online survey of over 166 dog owners, paw licking or chewing was found in over 72% of dogs suffering from dermatological or food allergies. Improving your pup's digestion and absorption of nutrients can assist with this issue, as many nutritional allergies stem from our pets not being able to properly break down their food.

2. Excessive Scratching & Shedding or a Dull Coat

While it's true that all dogs scratch their head and some dogs itch more than others, if you notice your dog scratching excessively, then your pup's immune system may be compromised, resulting in dry, itchy skin and a thinning of the coat. Certain types of probiotics strains, such as Bifidobacterium Longum, have been linked to an improvement in canine skin health.

3. Bad Breath Despite Brushing Teeth Consistently 

The reality is, all dogs typically will have bad breath if they are not consistently brushed. But if you notice that their breath is still smelly after 24 hours of brushing, then your pup may have a misaligned gut.

4. Inconsistent Stool while it's good for your pup to poop daily or even multiple types per day, if your dog suffers from inconsistent, sometimes dry or sometime too loose stools, they may not have optimal digestion. This could be a sign of a dysregulated microbiome where they have a population of more harmful than helpful microbes. Giving your pup a daily probiotic can help them keep a higher count of their good bacteria, keeping their tummies and immune systems in balance. In a 2021 study, kenneled dogs fed probiotics maintained healthy a fecal score even when dealing with an unfamiliar and stressful environment.

5. Lack of Interest in their Food 

Some pets go through periods of time when they are less interested in their food. It could be due to a change of diet where they may not like or be happy about the new food source. However, if this goes on for more than a few days it's something to be concerned about. If a dog is consistently showing a lack of interest in their food, it may be due to the fact they are suffering from a tummy ache after eating . This is where leveraging the power of digestive enzymes can be helpful, as enzymes help our pawed pals break down their food so they better able to absorb the nutrients and avoid tummy aches.

So What do You Do?

Leverage Restore M3®

Engineered solely with the a pup's unique digestive track in mind, Restore M3® goes above and beyond when it comes to reinforcing your pup's immune system by serving as a probiotic, prebiotic, and digestive enzyme (Yes, 3 supplements in one pill!)

✓ Leaner, more muscular build

✓ Less paw-licking

✓ Skin & coat improvements

✓ Cleaner teeth & fresher breath

✓ Fewer odors
✓ Great and consistent poops

✓ Vibrant, calm energy

Shop Restore M3® Now

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