Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Will you do the blood sugar happy dance too?

Hey there,

Meet Stacey.

Like you, she's been battling her glucose numbers.

For years, it seems like nothing she does brings her levels under control.

Eating like a rabbit ๐Ÿ‡ – Didn't cut it

Exercising until she drops ๐Ÿƒ‍♀️ – Practically nada

Sometimes her readings would be even north of 220 mg/dL! ๐Ÿ˜ก

So frustrating!

And the last time she went to the health clinic, she could have died of embarrassment ๐Ÿ™ˆ when he read her levels out loud.

"Stacey, it's still way too high. You have to get this under control. And soon."

Well, she made a promise to herself that the next time he would be SO IMPRESSED with her results.

So, she kept eating pretty well and exercising, but also made one additional change:

She started enjoying a hot cup of our Sugar Balance Functional Tea every morning.

First, she LOVED the taste.

Even CRAVED it!

But, beyond the amazing taste of our Sugar Balance Tea, her blood sugar numbers started to…

Drop, drop, drop!

And after just a couple of months, she was proud as a peacock ๐Ÿฆš when that same clinician read her numbers out loud and his mouth dropped!

Well, of course I have to tell you that Stacey's results are not always the case, and her diet, exercise and lifestyle certainly played a factor…

But now she's doing the blood sugar HAPPY DANCE and so are many thousands of our satisfied customers!  

Well, now it's your turn to do that same happy dance!

Grab your own bag of our best-selling Sugar Balance Tea today!

"I'm starting to feel better. My numbers are starting to get lower and consistent. It tastes good, almost like I'm being a little naughty drinking something sweet, but without the sugar spikes. Exactly why I was hoping for."

Dawn H.

Verified Buyer | USA | 07/25/2022


"Dear herbaly I am using sugar balance tea. I find the taste f this tea delicious. It seems like the ingredients of the product will reduce my blood sugar. Thank you herbaly as thomas bailey."

Thomas B.

Verified Buyer | USA | 08/24/2022


"This Blood sugar tea works wonders. I've been drinking it for 2 months and have noticed my A1C lowering with this and exercise! This tea even teaste great!"

Wayne W.

Verified Buyer | USA | 08/08/2022


Want to know why it works so well?

It's the perfect combination of our 12 superfood ingredients, including:

Gymnema Leaf – Used in ancient healing rituals and inhibits sugar absorption

Milk Thistle – May be useful to manage blood sugar

Fenugreek Seed – Can lower glucose in the body

Dandelion Root – May improve insulin resistance

Ginger Root – Anti-inflammatory properties support the immune system

Tulsi Leaf – Ensures sugar in body is used for energy

Even more, this zero-calorie, organic, vegan-friendly and GMO-free tea is made in the USA.

And once you start to turn your sugar numbers around, you'll FEEL so much better.

With more energy and better moods, it's like you recapture your youth!

So, you have TWO options before you're ready to do your happy dance:

Option 1 – Start your journey with Sugar Balance Functional Tea


Option 2 – You SUPER STACK your results and SAVE 30% when you get our entire Glucose Kit

Yes, our Super Stacked Glucose Kit contains the same Sugar Balance Tea.

Plus, it also features our:

✅ Polyphenol Plus EGCG Liquid Extract

✅ Organic Stevia Leaf Sweetener

Blood Sugar Complete Capsules

It's everything you need to drop-kick your numbers and PROVE to yourself and your health provider that you can finally get it under control!

In fact, we are so confident you'll love our Sugar Balance Tea, it comes with a full 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

So, go ahead and do something REAL and DELICIOUS to leveling out your numbers.

You'll love the taste almost as much as you love the results.

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