Friday, February 10, 2023

Emergency Food Demand Surges!

Hi ,

I've never seen this happen before…

Recently our store experienced a surge in demand for emergency food that was so massive, it caused a slight downtime on our site! (Don't worry, our team sprang into action and now our site is faster and stronger than ever.)

I wish we could say this was unexpected, but given the recent headlines, it's not surprising.

First, it was a spy balloon spotting over Montana.

Now it's, the US firing missiles into the Pacific Ocean, North Korea parading an arsenal of ballistic missiles and Russia continuing to threaten nuclear attack.

No wonder why so many are feeling extremely uneasy and started preparing for the worst.

I know, I know... it all sounds extreme, but hear me out, a spike in demand of this magnitude is not something we take lightly.

I'll leave you with this when these surges happen, it backs shipping for weeks. But thanks to the site downtime you still have a chance to secure your order today with no delay!


Stay safe,

- Paul

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