Saturday, February 4, 2023

Now We Have Proof - China is Spying On Us

Hi ,

We all knew it was happening, but now we actually have something that made the news.

If you haven't heard a Chinese spy balloon was spotted flying over Montana. 

Naturally, Chinese representatives are downplaying it as a balloon that went off course.

The U.S. government seems to be taking them at their word (no idea why...)

It's hard to say but the answer is likely much worse than we think.

You've seen what happened in Ukraine when the U.S. government gets involved in foreign affairs, high gas prices, inflation skyrocketing, and a food crisis.

Imagine what would happen if the U.S. gets involved in another war with China, even if it's not traditional warfare. 

I wanted to reach out because when things like this happen, people who DON'T take prepping as seriously will flood our website and begin to deplete our inventory and slow down our shipping. I don't want to see you have to wait for any food you're looking to stock up on. 

Don't take any chances this time around, stock up on high-quality GMO-free emergency food kits that are guaranteed to protect your family against the unknown.

I know quality emergency food can seem like a big investment, so we've added the option to break up your payments over time. In most cases, there won't even be an interest charge.

See for yourself when you CLICK HERE  just how little it can cost every month to ensure your peace of mind in these uncertain times. Just look for the purple Shop Pay icon!


Stay safe,

- Paul

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