Tuesday, July 11, 2023

NATO's Poking the "Bear" (Russia)

Remember that moment when news broke out about the Russia-Ukraine war?
Gas prices soared, inflation skyrocketed, and store shelves emptied, leaving you wondering, "What's next?"
This chaos all unfolded when Ukraine started talks to join NATO back in 2022.
Fast forward to today and the 74th annual NATO summit is being held. Can you guess what's back on the discussion table?
They're flirting with the idea of bringing Ukraine into NATO during this war!
I don't claim to be a whiz at global politics, but even I can see that's stirring up the hornet's nest. If just talks of Ukraine joining NATO sparked all that chaos before, imagine what could happen if they were actually admitted!
The mere thought of a full-blown war between Russia and NATO sends chills down my spine.
But hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Maybe this meeting will go smoothly without ruffling any feathers - or, as I like to say, without poking the bear. But I'm a big believer in the Boy Scouts' motto: "Be Prepared."
It's wise to get ahead of the curve before the whirlwind of panic buying sweeps through again. Once that happens, shipping times slow to a crawl, products vanish like smoke, and grocery stores start to resemble ghost towns.
Don't gamble with your family's safety. Secure your preparedness with Premium Long-Term Emergency Kits. It's the lifeline you can count on in uncertain times.


General Manager
Valley Food Storage

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