Sunday, July 14, 2024

An Inch Away from Chaos – Was Your Family Ready?

Were We an Inch Away from Civil War?

I don't often talk about politics or share my opinions on the matter.

But lately, it's hard to ignore the heightened tensions on both sides.

Last night, many were saying we were an ONLY inch away from our democracy collapsing.

If you're anything like me, you know that one event can change our lives forever. 

That's why I'm writing to you while I check my stock and ensure my family has enough food to last us months.

If you think your family could use a few extra non-GMO calories or crucial proteins made from simple ingredients, I'm here to help. Get 10% OFF our entire store with the code: SAFETY10.

Don't leave your family's preparedness up to chance.

Prepare yourself today because we're always an inch from disaster.


God Bless America,
Paul B.
Valley Food Storage
General Manager

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