Friday, June 19, 2009

A Joke A Day - Jokes ByEmail - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Bar & Drinking Jokes :: #12312
By HL:CS:CZ_EMINEM from N\A N\A Zimbabwe

A little man is sitting in a bar when a big guy comes up and says here's a punch from Japan the little man gets up and the big guy goes here's a kick from Korea knocking him down the little guy just smiles and goes away 15 minutes later he comes over and knock the guy out cold then he looks at the bartender and says when he wakes up tell him that was a crowbar from "Lowes."

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  * Highly Recommended Book  
  Milton Berle's Private Joke File 5 Stars   Milton Berle's Private Joke File
The most complete storehouse of 20th-century humor in the world. One of the legends of show biz delves into his personal treasury of jokes, one-liners, anecdotes, quips, and gags.
The Tip of The Day from
Golf tips :: #759
By Pete Prestipino from Chicago USA.

Stroke the Ball, Don't Hit It
If you are looking to have a strong, powerful swing and not a misguided hack, stroke, rather than hit the ball. The difference can be seen when examining a short putt, when it is easy to stroke the ball. Hitting is not an option for a short putt, which makes it the easiest shot in golf. No desire to hit the ball allows a stroking, swinging motion. Perfect this technique for short-distance shots and you will find increasing accuracy and distance with your long shots as well. -
4179 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60641

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