Monday, July 13, 2009

Clean Joke of the Day

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Howdy :), it's me, Joe Cosity here!

Today's humor was sent to me via a subscriber of this
newsletter (thanks Dane!).

A fly was buzzing along one morning when he saw a lawn
mower someone had left out in their front yard. He flew
over and sat on the handle, watching the children going
down the sidewalk on their way to school.

One little boy tripped on a crack and fell, spilling his
lunch on the sidewalk. He picked himself up, put his
lunch back in the bag and went on. But he missed a piece
of baloney. The fly had not eaten that morning and he sure
was hungry. So he flew down and started eating the
bologna. In fact he ate so much that he could not fly, so
he waddled across the sidewalk, across the lawn, up the
wheel of the lawn mower, up the handle, and sat there
resting and watching the children.

There was still some baloney laying there on the sidewalk.
He was really stuffed, but that baloney sure did look

Finally temptation got the best of him and he jumped off
the handle of the lawn mower to fly over to the baloney.
But alas he was too full to fly and fell straight to the
ground... splat!

The moral of this story is simple... don't fly off the
handle when you are full of baloney.

You have heard that it was said to the people long ago,
'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to
judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with
his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who
says to his brother, 'Raca,' is answerable to the Sanhedrin.
But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of
the fire of hell. -Matthew 5:21

I'm glad you could join me for today's content, and I look
forward to bringing you more next time!

Until then, bye-bye!
Joe Cosity

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P.S. Jesus has a message for you:

Clean Joke of the Day is a ministry supported by faith. You can be a part of this ministry too, through prayer and financial giving. Simply mail your comments or gifts to the following address:

Clean Joke of the Day
520 West Main Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

Phone: 405-200-1692

Clean Joke of the Day exists to proclaim the truth of God, Jesus Christ, through emotional encouragement and spiritual exhortation.

Reminder: Joe Cosity is only a fictitious person, the result of imagination. Therefore, events depicted in this newsletter as real are actually either partially or completely made up to help you laugh. To contact Joe, simply send an email to:

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