Thursday, December 31, 2009

About Web Humor: Happy New Year's!    Web Humor
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  from Lukas Kaiser
2009 was a great year for web humor. 2010 will be even better. I hope. Maybe all the funny will stop. Doubt it! See you next year!

In the Spotlight
10 New Year's Resolutions All Men Should Make compiled a pretty great list of the 10 New Year's Resolutions All Men Should Make. Some of them are earnest (like "make an appointment for a checkup" and... Read more

           More Topics
Salon's Best Viral Videos of the Decade
Check out this interesting list of the the best viral videos of the decade from

The Top 20 Viral Videos of All Time
You might recognize several of the humorous viral video choices as they appeared on my Top 20 Viral Videos of All Time list. Consensus! Yay!

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Evaluating Your Cold Symptoms
How to tell when a runny nose is just a cold, and when it might be turning into something more serious and require a visit to the doctor. More>

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