Monday, December 21, 2009

A Joke A Day - Jokes ByEmail - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Family Jokes :: #20602
By Salvino Lombardi from St. Venera Malta

A woman sent her son to get a tin of beans from the store. The boy went and found nobody at the store except the shopkeeper who was up the ladder filling up his shelves.

'Give me a tin of beans for my mother,' said the boy.

The keeper, from up there told him: 'Wait in the line.'

The boy looked around and saw nobody so he said again:

'Give me a tin of beans for my mum.'

The keeper said again: 'I told wait for your turn.'

The boy asked for the third time for the tin of beans.

'Can you see how many people there are before you? I said wait for your turn!'

The boy, who realizes he was being taken for ride, reached for a tin of peas from the lowest shelf and through it at the shopkeeper, hitting him in his forehead.

The Shopkeeper came down bleeding all over and said to the boy:

'See what you have done? You broke my head.'

'Good grief, of all these people you picked up on me?' said the boy and ran away home.

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Career Skills :: #254
By Kelly Hartman from Kansas City USA.

Try Harder
How many times, as a manager, have you said to your staff, "We have to try harder!" Could we be trying too hard? If you try too hard for something it may lead to the following problems: working harder instead of smarter, unimaginative problem solving, unrealistic goals, self-defeating attitude, and being too critical on yourself. Sometimes trying too hard back fires, because of the unwanted stress created by the above terminology of trying harder. Instead of trying harder, next time try on working smarter. -
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