Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Joke A Day - Jokes ByEmail - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Computer Jokes :: #4406
By Said al-Mughairy from Al-Ansab Muscat Oman

New customer to Tech Support: "It says, hit any key and when I do that nothing happens'.

Tech Support: Can you try again and tell me what happens?

Customer: 'Tried but nothing"

Tech Support: "What key did you hit?

After a moment and some chick ling sound the customer replied: Well, first I tried my car key and just now my office key.

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The Tip of The Day from
Stress Control :: #1584
By Anonymous from USA.

Color Your Mood
Research confirms that changing your mood may be as simple as changing the colors around you. Clothing, room decors, even a small colors object like accessories or a handbag will give you benefits. For example:

Blue. Any shade can have a calming effect and creates feeling of serenity.

Green. Brings balance to your mind and smoothes out your hectic day-to-day routine.

Orange. Makes you feel more optimistic. A pick-me-up when you're sluggish.

Red. Increases your energy level and stimulates your heart rate.

Purple. Shades of lilac and violet generate creativity -
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