Monday, February 11, 2013

A Joke A Day - Jokes ByEmail - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Programmers Jokes :: #280
By Carolina Soldera from Unknown

Our staff has completed the 18 months of work on time and on budget. We have gone through every line of code in every program in every system. We have analyzed all databases, all data files, including backups and historic archives, and modified all data to reflect the change. We are proud to report that we have completed the "Y-to-K" date change mission, and have now implemented all changes to all programs and all data to reflect your new standards:

Januark, Februark, March, April, Mak, June, Julk, August, September, October, November, December

As well as:

Sundak, Mondak, Tuesdak, Wednesdak, Thursdak, Fridak, Saturdak

I trust that this is satisfactory, because to be honest, none of this Y to K problem has made any sense to me. But I understand it is a globalproblem, and our team is glad to help in any way possible. And what does the year 2000 have to do with it? Speaking of which, what do you think We ought to do next year when the two digit year rolls over from 99 to 00? We'll await your direction.

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The Tip of The Day from
Stress Control :: #6205
By Anonymous from USA.

Getting rid of stress
Walk barefoot – doing so stimulates pressure points on the soles, releasing the calming hormone dopamine. -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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