Monday, September 1, 2014

About Web Humor: 9 Absurd First Pitches That Are So Awful, They're Funny

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From Beverly Jenkins, your Guide to Web Humor
9 Absurd First Pitches That Are So Awful, They're Funny
From celebs with zero hand-eye coordination to a baby T-Rex, here are 9 of the weirdest, funniest first pitches ever thrown.
Search Related Topics:  baseball humor  first pitches  bad first pitch

7 Of The Best (Worst) Dancers On The Internet
'Dance like no one is watching'? Where's the fun in that?
Search Related Topics:  dancing  drunk dance  elaine dance

10 Funniest ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Fails
Everybody is dumping ice water over their heads for charity this summer, but sometimes things don't go as planned!
Search Related Topics:  als  ice bucket challenge  viral videos

30 Of The Funniest Botched Panorama Photos Ever
Panorama shots are cool until they go wrong, and then they're amazing.
Search Related Topics:  panorama photos  panoramic  fail

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Beverly Jenkins
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