Thursday, June 11, 2020

Day 7: Stretch It Out

Stretch out all those muscles you worked this week with these yoga poses, and get ready to repeat the 7-Day Challenge. Why not do it every week for a month?
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Day 7: Stretch It Out
Congratulations on making it to day 7 of the Verywell Fit 7-Day No Equipment Fitness Challenge! Today is another recovery day—an opportunity to try some relaxing yoga poses, stretch out all those muscles you worked this week, and get ready to repeat the 7-Day Challenge.
Why not bookmark this workout series and do it every week for a month?
Tara's Tip 
“Recovery is just as important as the work itself. Stretching, mobility, and yoga is great for your body when you are in between workouts.” — Tara Laferrara, CPT, of the Verywell Fit Review Board
Sun Salutations
Sun salutations are a beautiful, feel-good way of warming up, loosening up your joints, and stretching your whole body.
Do 5–10 reps of the sun salutation sequence.
Extended Side Angle
Extended side angle strengthens and stretches the legs, hips, and hamstrings. It also opens the chest and shoulders, which can be beneficial if you have any stiffness in your shoulders or back.
Hold this pose for 30 seconds on each side. Listen to your body, and repeat the stretch on each side if desired.
Triangle Pose
Triangle pose strengthens the legs and stretches the groin, hamstrings, and hips, and opens the chest and shoulders. It also challenges and improves balance and stability.
Hold this pose for 30 seconds on each side. Listen to your body, and repeat the stretch on each side if desired.
One-Legged Chair Pose
One-legged chair pose stretches your outer hips and gluteal muscles while using the hamstrings, quadriceps, and gluteus maximus for support. Opening your hips with this move can relieve the tightness that develops from sitting too much.
Hold this pose for 30 seconds on each side. Listen to your body, and repeat the stretch on each side if desired.
Upward Dog
Upward facing dog helps to stretch the chest and abdominal muscles while strengthening the shoulders, triceps, forearms, and low back.
Hold this pose for 30–60 seconds, and repeat if desired.
Pigeon Pose
Pigeon pose works as a hip opener and forward bend, stretching your thighs, groin, back, piriformis, and psoas. The leg extended to the rear gets a stretch of the psoas and other hip flexors. On the other side, the rotators and outer hip are stretched. It is a good antidote to sitting for long periods.
Hold this stretch for 30 seconds on each side.
Supine Spinal Twist
This spinal twist stretches the glutes, chest, and obliques. It improves spinal mobility and can aid digestion. It is a relaxing pose to do at the end of a workout session. In everyday life, your posture will benefit as well.
Rotate your knees back and forth 10 times, then hold the pose on each side for 30 seconds.
You've completed the Verywell Fit 7-day Challenge! You have worked all your major muscle groups in one week and given your body a chance to recover. Give yourself a pat on the back, brag to all your friends, and try to repeat the series again. This workout is perfect for building strength at a gentle pace, and can be adjusted with more reps or resistance to keep it challenging as you increase your fitness level.
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