Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 Taught Me Tenacity

From the Editors: Lessons Learned in 2020
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From the Editors: Lessons Learned in 2020
2020 hasn't been an easy year for anyone. The Verywell Family, Fit, and Mind editors look back to reflect on their biggest challenges of the year and anticipate what's to come in 2021.
Ayana Underwood, Editorial Assistant
This year taught me the value of resilience and tenacity. I knew I had wanted a job in publishing and when the pandemic hit, I was in my last semester of my publishing master's program—I really didn't think I'd be able to find work but I also believed that giving up wasn't an option.
I focused on finishing my semester strong and I took additional editing classes to sharpen my editing skills. I still wasn't hearing back from jobs which was discouraging, but to help boost my mood, I would visit different nature preserves, journal, and paint. Then eventually, I landed a job here at Verywell and I was so proud that I didn't give up or stop job searching.
I practice gratitude daily and am happy to have had the opportunity to begin my publishing career here. I recognize that finding a job in the midst of a pandemic is extremely difficult and because of that I'm even more grateful to be here.
Also, I find fulfillment in the fact that I'm working on content that can help people heal, learn about themselves, and reach their self-improvement, relationship, and mental/physical health goals. I feel like it's given me a sense of purpose, which is something I had been seeking for a while.
verywell fit
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