Wednesday, May 26, 2021

My Surprise When Reflecting on This Past Year

I was surprised by and grateful for how much positivity I found when I made a point to look for it. I encourage you to do the same. Reconnect with your values and consider all of the things and people that bring joy to your life. Be intentional about looking for the good in all the sadness, stress, and hardship that the past year brought into our lives.
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From the Editors:
Caring for Your Mental Health in the Return to Normalcy
Every Wednesday throughout Mental Health Awareness Month, our editors will share insights from our new "Return to Normalcy" collection. The theme of this week is reflecting on your past year.

As COVID-19 vaccinations roll out and restrictions are lifted, we're in a state of transition that may impact your mental health in many ways. Verywell Mind is committed to guiding you through this uncertain time with helpful, trustworthy content that will support you no matter what you're feeling during this time.

Ayana Underwood,
Assistant Editor
Most people can agree that this year has been extremely challenging. From the financial, health, and mental health effects of living in an unprecedented pandemic to witnessing numerous episodes of anti-Black and anti-AAPI violence, this year has been difficult to endure.
Despite the challenges of the past year, I think it's important that we stop and take a look at how far we've all come. More and more people are receiving vaccinations, companies around the world are championing diversity and equality, and people are starting to take mental health seriously. How incredible is that? It's never something that I thought I would see in my lifetime. People like myself are finally being seen and heard for the first time—it's truly remarkable to me.
Over the past year, I realized that life is short and often fragile or scary (especially for those who are marginalized). So, it was important for me to turn inward, block out some of the noise, and seek out inner peace.
I started by asking myself some simple questions each day like: What do I like about myself? How have I helped someone in need this past year? Who turned to me for advice? What's the happiest day that I remember? I was surprised by and grateful for how much positivity I found when I made a point to look for it. I encourage you to do the same. Reconnect with your values and consider all of the things and people that bring joy to your life. Be intentional about looking for the good in all the sadness, stress, and hardship that the past year brought into our lives.
Not only do I think it's important to be introspective, but I also encourage you to explore new spaces that you find solace in. Since most people were stuck inside, many online groups formed out of a need for connection and understanding. Maybe you like poetry or bike riding or graphic novels. Find your people and seek comfort and understanding in those safe spaces.
Some days are still going to be rough, that we know, but remember to give yourself some grace and lean into positivity and growth.
6 Mental Health Lessons Learned During COVID-19
Coping With the Guilt Of 'Lost Time' During COVID-19
How Different Personality Types May Adapt to Life After COVID-19
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