Sunday, September 5, 2021

Is It Depression or Grief? A Guide to Navigating and Coping With These Emotions [Day 1]

What It means to be depressed and what you can do about it
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Verywell Mind
Understanding Depression and What You Can Do About It
Understanding Depression and What You Can Do About It
Clinically significant depression is marked by persistent sadness, a depressed mood, diminished interest in previously enjoyable activities, and other symptoms that interfere with the ability to function in daily life.
Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. It is estimated to affect 7.1% of adults in the U.S. each year, and potentially even more in this past year. So if you're feeling some of the symptoms of depression, or even grief, you're not alone!
Since depression is so prevalent in our society, many people have devoted themselves to studying therapies and techniques to ease the symptoms. Here's a look at some effective strategies to start to feel better.
Grief vs Depression
Grief vs. Depression: Which Is It?
These Are the Symptoms of Clinical Depression
Causes and Risk Factors of Depression
What Causes Depression?
Small Ways to Feel Better When You're Depressed
8 Tips for Living With Depression
8 Tips for Living With Depression
11 Ways to Treat Depression Without Medication
Support and Therapy
The Best Online Help Resources for Depression
The Best Online Help Resources for Depression
The Best Online Therapy Programs
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Thank you for joining us for Day 1 of the Verywell Mind Mental Wellness Course!
Look out for tomorrow's topic: stress and anxiety.

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