Monday, November 22, 2021

How to Sleep Better Tonight: The Verywell Mind Podcast

Tune in to hear a neurologist share how we can get a refreshing night's sleep—even when traveling.
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Healthy Mind
How to Sleep Better Tonight With Sleep Expert Dr. Chris Winter
Amy Morin, LCSW
Verywell Mind Editor-in-Chief
On today's episode, I talk with Chris Winter, a neurologist and sleep expert who helps his patients learn to sleep better.
One of Chris's most recent areas of interest surrounds athletes and sleep. He's researched how travel affects professional athletes and he's often hired to teach them how to sleep better when they're on the road.

Tune in to hear him share his insights on the sleep industry and how we can get a refreshing night's sleep.

Why Dr. Winter Is Mentally Strong

Dr. Winter brings a fresh perspective to the sleep industry. While many people are quick to turn to medication as a first line of defense with sleep troubles, he encourages people to be less anxious about their sleep difficulties.

He also conducts research about sleep and how it can improve athletes' performance. And he shares his knowledge not just with the teams who hire him but he also talks about what he's uncovered in his books.

Despite his busy schedule, he continues to see patients in the office as well. He stays up to date on the types of struggles people continue to experience with their sleep and keeps his suggestions realistic and relatable.

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Most people would define insomnia as an inability to sleep. It's not. It's a person who's not sleeping when and how they've decided they want to. That's part A. Then, part B is you have to have a negative emotional response to part A."

— Chris Winter  

What You'll Hear on the Show
  • How to deal with sleep issues when you're traveling across time zones
  • The health risks associated with working long overnight hours
  • The link between insomnia and anxiety
  • How dreading sleep makes sleep problems worse
  • How to stop being so anxious when you have trouble falling asleep
  • Why you shouldn't be so focused on how long it takes you to fall asleep
  • The truth about sleep studies and at-home sleep studies
  • What most people discover about their sleep when they use sleep trackers or apps
  • Why some people still experience fatigue after sleeping all night
  • The specific strategies that can help you sleep better
  • How to know when you should see a sleep specialist
What You'll Learn About Mental Health and Mental Strength

It's clear that poor mental health can lead to sleep problems. And sleep problems can lead to poor mental health. It can be a tough cycle to break and many people wonder which issue they should address first.

Dr. Winter talks about how the pressure to fall asleep fast raises anxiety. And anxiety makes it tougher to sleep.

It's one of the reasons why he encourages people to grow comfortable with resting, even if they aren't actually sleeping. Learning how to get better rest could be key to feeling better and growing stronger.

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Even if you never actually fell asleep, it's amazing how refreshed somebody can feel after a period of good rest or good meditation."

— Chris Winter  

8 Reasons Why You Can't Sleep
What Is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination?
How Sleep Affects Your Mental Health
verywell fit
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