Thursday, July 28, 2022

Send these campaigns!

Here are the campaigns w/examples that you should send!
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Hey Friend,

I'm excited to bring you Edition 107 of this paid newsletter!

Some real fun emails this week. Living out the last month of summer, and leveraging those emotions via email. Can't wait to see what you think of them!       

Let's jump in.

Campaign Idea 1 - The New Drop Email:

  • Email Examples:

    The New Drop Email Example 1

    The New Drop Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    People are strange, aren't they? They love "stuff", but they REALLY love NEW "stuff". The dopamine from getting is higher than the dopamine from having. Use this and announce your drops like this so you can make tons o' money.

    Example 1 is from Stacked Skincare.

    Stacked Skincare isn't just dropping new products for their brand, they're dropping new features. This is the announcement of their subscription program, which is the epitome of having "new stuff". New stuff every month? Sign me up. There are a lot of people that aren't huge fans of subscription programs, but if you announce it like this, the excitement will get people hooked. Try it!

    Example 2 is from Lunya.

    If you're a fan of this newsletter, you know that I absolutely love Lunya because of emails like this. I think they have the best copy in the game, and they make everything sound so lux. The alternative of a whole new drop is just adding new styles of a fan favorite, which is what they did with Washable Silk. I know that they crush with emails like this, so try to emulate the Lunya energy in your drop campaigns.   

  • Segment(s):

    - Your Engaged Subscriber Segment


  • Subject Line Ideas: 

    - We just dropped THIS

    - This new drop is for YOU

    - New stuff is HERE

  • Preview Text Ideas:

    - Come and see...

    - You excited?

    - And we can't wait to show you.

Hiring solid marketers can be difficult.

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Plus, when you have the need, it's probably too late.

That's why I'm a fan of MarketerHire.

On-demand, A+ marketers.

Campaign Idea 2 - The Interactive Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The Interactive Email Example 1

    The Interactive Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    One of the best ways to increase engagement with your emails is to really involve the audience in the experience. While most of us just send emails that act like lectures, these emails are more like a conversation. Check it out.

    Example 1 is from We're Not Really Strangers. This is such a great email, even though there are only like 50 words in it. It's so simple, but the messaging is so strong. It feels like the brand genuinely cares about you, because they have tailored solutions for how you're feeling. Love it.

    Example 2 is from We're Not Really Strangers, too. I had to include them twice, because no one else is doing emails like this. I don't recommend using the subject line as a precursor to body copy, because it usually doesn't make sense. But they make it work. This is also a super different way to frame a problem/solution email, but we NEED creativity like this in the world of email.


  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - Play a game with us!

    - Hey, we need you for this...

    - Can you click one of these for us?

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - It'll be fun, we promise.

    - You down?

    - It's super easy.

Fun Fact: I was the first email marketer for hire on MarketerHire when they first launched in 2019.

They're the best way to staff up your marketing team. 

The talent quality, support & speed to hire is crucial for a growing org.

Check them out.

That's all, folks!

I hope you enjoyed these campaigns because I enjoyed sending them to you! These are pretty unique, especially the last one, so don't hesitate to actually use these and let me know how they do.


© 2022 Chase Dimond

No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.
Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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