Friday, August 26, 2022

What The Transformers Can Teach Us About Copywriting

Alex In My Inbox #028
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Hey friend, happy Friday!

Welcome to Edition 28 of Alex In My Inbox.

A weekly copywriting series where I share interesting, actionable, and hilarious copywriting tips from "Alex."

Alex is an anonymous copywriter who shares these tips with me so that way I can share them with you.

This edition is brought to you by MarketerHire.

Today, Alex teaches us the "Bumblebee" Method of copywriting that anyone can use to convert an audience. 

Check it out:

Dear Chase, 

I worry sometimes that these emails I write will give you the impression that I am a 9-year-old child who doesn't actually work, and just sits at home watching Netflix and scrolling TikTok all day. 

That's only half true. 

I am not 9. I am older than that. 

And I do work. 

And I do watch Netflix and scroll TikTok all day.

I call this "market research", because this stuff teaches me a lot about how to communicate with people. 

I was watching Transformers the other night. 

If you haven't seen it, there's a Transformer named Bumblebee who can't talk, so he just uses sound bytes from the radio inside of him to talk to people. 

It's supposed to be funny, but I didn't laugh. 

It led to yet another epiphany for how to write better. 

So I turned off the movie, got up, and started writing emails.

There's a lot of fancy stuff you can do as a copywriter to get sales. 

This is not fancy. In fact, it can be quite boring if you don't do it right. But it works. 

Most copywriters will just sit at their computer and start writing without having any idea of who their customer is, and what they want. 

If it's supplements for dogs, you can't just pretend you know who's buying this stuff and what they think of it. 

You need to look at reviews. Do your research. 

A lot of marketers think that reviews are only good for adding a section to their email that says, "Don't take it from us, take it from THEM!!!!" – and take screenshots of the 5-star reviews for social proof. 

You can literally steal these reviews and just use the same language in your copy. 

Let's say there's a review for a product like this that says:

"My dog loves this! I've tried so many different products, but this one works so much faster and my dog actually enjoys eating it. I was skeptical at first because so many other brands make false promises, but this one is the real deal. Recommending to my friends now!"

There's so much ammo there. It's pretty common to find reviews on the site or on Amazon that look like that. 

Now, as a copywriter, you need to shut up and be Bumblebee. You no longer speak for yourself. Your customers are speaking through you. 

Your headline can be:

The only brand on the market that dogs ACTUALLY enjoy the taste of. 

Or something. 

And then you can have a line that's like:

99% of our customers are skeptical before trying us out – but when they realize how much faster it works compared to our competitors, they tell their friends about us. 

Or something. 

Reviews literally TELL you what your customers value in your product. 

So, channel them. 

Be Bumblebee. 

Yours truly,


Sent from my AllSpark

Super simple and tactical email from Alex!

Question for you:

How else would you use reviews and testimonials from customers in your copy? In what other ways is it helpful? 

Curious to see if anyone has some creative suggestions in the replies!

Fun Fact: I was the first email marketer for hire on MarketerHire when they first launched back in 2019.

They're the best way to staff up your marketing team. 

The talent quality, support & speed to hire is crucial for a growing org.

Check them out.

Have a great weekend,


© 2022 Chase Dimond

No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.
Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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