Tuesday, September 13, 2022

My best content, businesses I like, proven subject lines

And so much more!
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Happy Tuesday!

I've been creating lots of content, using new tools and services, and learning many awesome things.

So I wanted to use this email to share as much of that as possible.

My best recent content:

6 businesses I like right now:

  • B2B influencer marketing agency

  • Content repurposing agency

  • Social media growth services

  • Email marketing for SaaS

  • College influencer marketing agency

  • Email deliverability services

5 proven subject lines you can use:

  • I promise it's worth it - Trust

  • Open before it expires? - Curiosity

  • 27% off sale ends today! - Scarcity

  • Check out these new [products] - Offer

  • How Kara managed to get [result] - Example

Services to check out:

  • Marketing Assistants by MarketerHire:

    For only $2,850/month, they provide companies like Tovala, Shah Trucking, Common Thread Collective, and Bezos AI with a fully-vetted, college educated, and full-time (40 hours/week) offshore resource to support their marketing, design, and sales team's most-time consuming tasks.

    Think of this service as the most cost-effective and scalable way for you to tackle all of the basic, mundane, repetitive, and time-consuming things you need to get done so your internal marketing, design, and sales teams have more time for all of the strategic and higher impact things they want to get done.

    For a limited time only, they're offering a ONE-MONTH FREE TRIAL if you
    sign up this week to learn more.

  • Copy That Converts by 021:

    Whether it be advertorials, landing pages, email flows, facebook ads, or more, 021 is one of the best copywriting agencies in the business.

    They work with A TON of awesome Ecommerce brands like Blissy, Tru Earth, Wuffes, and more. 

    One brand owner was able to go from $2k to $30k/day in spend after working with 021.

    Book a call with 021 today.

Tools to check out:

  • Triple Whale centralizes the metrics from all the tools you use right into your pocket. They simplify, inform & save you time!

    Use code CHASEDIMOND15 to save 15%.

  • Rep's intelligent sales-focused chatbot provides powerfully personalized shopping assistance that delivers results at scale, 24/7.

Newsletters I'm enjoying (1-click to subscribe):

  • They Got Acquired: They share stories of founders who've exited, industry trends, and resources for selling your company.
  • Who Sponsors Stuff: Email Intelligence: They'll keep you on top of the latest in newsletter publishing & marketing in just 5 minutes a week. Make more money with a newsletter.

An upcoming event I'm hosting:

  • The Black Friday Summit: We're bringing back our most beloved event of the year. You'll learn powerful BFCM strategies from 30+ experts.

    Get your free ticket here.

Hire Amazing Freelancers:

With Q4 rapidly approaching, you must be focused on scaling your marketing activities ASAP.

MarketerHire can help you quickly hire the best marketing freelance talent.

I love that you can scale up and down their services, so it's super flexible.

I've been a freelancer on MarketerHire in the past and also have hired freelancers through them, so I can fully vouch for them.

Crush your marketing goals with MarketerHire.

Copy MBA:

My newest course launched last week. Copy MBA is the most thorough writing course that has ever been offered to the public. 

It goes over:

  1. Everything you need in order to get started with a freelance business
  2. How to create an offer that'll make it easy to get clients and get hired
  3. How to get clients 6 different ways
  4. A breakdown of your entire sales process and how to make it as easy on yourself as possible (even if you hate selling)
  5. Becoming a master of service delivery, nailing expectations and getting referrals for doing good work

Become a better writer.

Have a great week and make sure to send some emails! 

P.S. I'm offering a free 7-day trial on my email design platform, EmailUp. The main thing I'm looking for at this stage is feedback on the platform. Hit reply if you want access.

© 2022 Chase Dimond

No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.
Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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