Thursday, September 22, 2022

Send these campaigns

The Fall Feel Email & Gift Card Email
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Hey Friend,

Happy Thursday!

One quick note before we get into today's content. 

We're hosting the 2nd Annual Black Friday Summit in 11 days.

Last year we had over 11,000 people from dozens of countries attend. It was AWESOME!

And this tweet below sums it up perfectly.

If you haven't already snagged your FREE ticket to The Black Friday Summit, do that here. 

But seriously, you don't want to miss this event.

Grab your free ticket here.

Now onto today's content. 

As we enter into Q4 and October, it's about to get real. I hope you're ready. All I can offer is some words of encouragement (good luck)...and some campaigns that can prepare you for the influx of cash.  

Let's jump in.

Campaign Idea 1 - The Fall Feel Email:

  • Email Examples:

    The Fall Feel Email Example 1

    The Fall Feel Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    Fall is here. As of today. Time to lean into the season. Whether it's about getting out in nature and taking pictures of leaves, redecorating your house, or spending some indoor time with the family, create an email to call it out.

    Example 1 is from The Citizenry. This email just feels good. I love it. This one is all about using fall/natural colors to redecorate your house. Set the vibe with some new additions to your living space. Super easy and chill. Vibey emails like this do really well. Paint a picture, and let your audience put themselves inside of it.

    Example 2 is from Princess Polly. This one is all about "Sweater SZN", and it directly calls out stuff you can wear and buy to make fall feel better. The power of suggestion is pretty strong. If you tell people that they need to change their wardrobe for a new season, they will. That's what's kept the fashion industry alive for so long.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment


  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - Fall vibes are here

    - Fall feels, right in your inbox

    - All new, for fall

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - Open em up.

    - Come get em.  

    - Experience it firsthand. 

Campaign Idea 2 - The Gift Card Email:

  • Email Examples:

    The Gift Card Email Example 1

    The Gift Card Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    Gift cards are a powerful marketing tool, and it's great for your economics. Getting money up front for orders that'll be placed down the road is great for your logistics. For your customers, gift cards are still exciting to buy and receive. Emails like this are some examples of incentive structures for getting people to buy gift cards, even if it's not gifting season yet. Check these out.

    Example 1 is from Look Organics. This one was a UGC campaign that must've done really well. They were sending gift cards to people in exchange for making TikToks, which I think is genius. This is one of those hidden gem campaigns that I think anyone can replicate, and you definitely should. The number of organic sales you'll be able to get will pay for the gift card itself.

    Example 2 is from Heyday. This one is just a massive discount structure where they're sending you a gift card if you spend a crazy amount of money with them. I like this one. I always love to see emails where brands are actively working to get their AOV up, because everyone deserves to be more profitable. Love it.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your Engaged Subscriber Segment 

  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - How to win a $50 gift card...

    - Gift cards keep on giving...

    - Get your gift card!

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - Steps inside. 

    - Come claim yours!

    - Here's how. 

That's it, folks!

Let me know if you or anyone else tries the TikTok gift card incentive. That's such a great idea. Tons of good game in this edition!

And don't forget to grab your FREE ticket to our Black Friday Summit.


© 2022 Chase Dimond

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Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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