Tuesday, October 4, 2022

12 signs your child needs bacteria

#9 is really surprising
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 Zero-Hassle Returns

Picking up stuff from the ground and putting it in their mouths…
Touching everything on the playground…
Sharing toys, snacks, desks, and hugs at school.
Let's be honest: No matter how much soap they use…
Kids are bacteria-magnets.
And actually – that's a good thing :)
Researchers now even recommend kids get MORE exposure to bacteria, as often as possible.
That's because the beneficial kind of bacteria can help with all sorts of things:
Immunity, digestion, behavior… Even growth and development.
But here's the truth:
You have to be mindful about the KIND of bacteria your little one is getting…
Because the bad type of bacteria (pathogens) likes to crowd out the helpful microbes…
Which can be bad news for their health (and yours!)
To help you guide your child in getting more of the good guys, while steering clear of the bad…
Inside today's short article you'll discover: 
  • 12 warning signs your child needs more bacteria (#9 is unusual)
  • The #1 food rich in good bacteria your child will love
  • And how young is too young for probiotics? (the answer may surprise you)
Good Bacteria (Probiotics) for Kids: What You Need To Know
With gratitude,
Tina Anderson
Just Thrive | Founder
P.S. When it comes to your kiddo, what type of bacteria is best?
Yogurt? Kefir? Supplements?
Before you choose, there are 2 important factors you must take into consideration.…
So you can support your kiddo's BEST immune, digestive, and behavioral health.  
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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