Sunday, November 13, 2022

🐶 It's Meal Tip Monday!

Discover a fun fact and meal tip that you can use for your pup's meals!

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Can Dogs Eat Squash and What Are the Benefits?

Squash is a vegetable commonly used for dogs with upset tummies, think canned pumpkin. But – did you know that dogs can eat squash on a regular basis and benefit tremendously? Squash is full of key vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, B6, Folate and Potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral which helps pets maintain their electrolyte balance. The fibrous content in squash also makes it a great prebiotic.

In addition, squash is full of natural Beta Carotene which is a potent antioxidant that is vital for all mammals, but especially for dogs. In this 2005 study, it was found that dogs fed a diet higher in natural Beta Carotene had significantly stronger immune systems.

Another added benefit of squash is its fibrous consistency as a prebiotic food to stimulate the gut and act as a food for the good microbes in your pup's gut. These good microbes enhance the "flora" which is the population of different microbes in your pup's tummies. The more diverse and strong population of healthy microbes, the healthier your pup will be!

How Do I Prepare Squash?

Squash is also easy to prepare. Simply take a raw squash and poke holes in the skin (to help steam escape) and place it into the oven to bake around 375°F. Bake for 15-30 minutes (depending on the size and type of squash). Once finished, let it rest and cut it into pieces after removing the seeds. You can also cut it into cubes and food process it for greater chewing and digestibility for your pawed pal.
Squash is the perfect snack or addition to a healthy diet, no matter if your pup is eating a raw-fed, home-cooked or vegan diet. Squah is low glycemic so it will not interfere with digestion or spike your dog's insulin levels. Try a variety of squash available in your local area such as zucchini squash, acorn squash, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, honey-nut squash and of course pumpkin! Try different varieties and see which your pup likes best!

Learn How to Support your Pet's Gut Health

Leverage Restore M3®

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