Friday, December 2, 2022

How to gain more trust as a copywriter

Alex In My Inbox #42
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Hey friend, happy Friday!

Welcome to Edition 42 of Alex In My Inbox.

Alex In My Inbox is a weekly copywriting series where I share interesting, actionable, and hilarious copywriting tips from "Alex."

Alex is an anonymous copywriter who shares these tips with me so that I can share them with you.

Before we dive in, I wanted to let you know about a platform my friends and I have used to hire top marketers.

I'm obviously all for hiring agencies as well in-house team members.

But another great option is hiring freelancers.

MarketerHire makes it easy to scale up and scale down top freelance marketing talent.

It's perfect for both brands and agencies who need flexibility.

Check them out here.

Now let's dive in... 

Alex has an email for us today that'll make it way easier for you to convert certain demographics.

This is all about using copy to position yourself as someone of authority so that you can gain more trust.

Check it out!

Dear Chase,

Hope you've had a great week. 

I have a vivid memory of when I was in high school, getting into an argument with this dumb guy.

He wrote a paper that had some serious grammar issues even though the content was decent. 

Because it looked like it was written by a toddler, he got a terrible grade.

I argued that proper grammar, spelling, and structure is very important to the overall message of the piece. 

He argued that as long as you're using close-enough grammar and close-enough spelling, the person SHOULD get the point, and you don't need it to be perfect.

He kinda had a point. But it's not as simple as he makes it out to be. 

That's when I realized that HOW you say things actually matters just as much (if not more) than WHAT you say.

This memory just came back to me this morning, and I thought it would be relevant to write you a little email on how you can use this fact to build more trust with your audience. 

This is some high-level stuff, so I hope this all makes sense for you and your audience. 

When you're writing copy, the words are only half of it. 

The "between the lines" elements make a big difference, too. 

The guy from my high school's audience was a college-educated English teacher. 

She loves proper spelling and grammar. It's the reason she gets out of bed every morning, probably. 

If you're writing something that she's going to read, you CANNOT get away with messing up spelling and grammar. 

But is she representative of the world as a whole?


There's a whole subset of people (which may be like 40% of America) that actually does not care at all about spelling and grammar. 

And writing "properly" may actually turn them off from the message that you're trying to get across. 

I've tested this before.

I used to write a newsletter for this guy who was a daytrading coach. 

He made a bunch of money showing people how to buy Dogecoin and stuff like that. 

His audience was a bunch of 18 year old high school dropouts. They don't even KNOW what proper english looks like. 

So when I wrote to that list, every email would start with, "Yoooooo what's good!"

It was so dumb. 

But they ate it up. 

If I wrote to them in the style I'd write a B2B newsletter, they wouldn't even read it. 

The point of this is that you need to know your audience, and don't get stuck in a box of ONLY writing in perfect grammar. 

You can actually break trust by writing "perfectly" with an audience that doesn't actually write that way themselves…

Just like you can break trust with a professional audience by writing like an idiot. 

This is why "scam emails" from Nigerian princes are written with terrible grammar on purpose. 

It's more relatable to the people who are gonna fall for that stuff anyway. 

Don't just write in the language of your audience.

Write in their style, too. 

It's something deep inside of us that goes off if we see someone who has the same slang and style as we do. 

It's the fastest and easiest way to build trust at a fundamental level. 

Yours truly,


Sent from my i fone

If you want to scale your marketing efforts over the holidays and into the new year, I highly recommend checking out MarketerHire.



P.S. My buddy Max runs an awesome newsletter called Growth Hacks Weekly. Every Sunday, he shares his 5 best growth marketing hacks.

You can subscribe here for free with 1-click.

© 2022 Chase Dimond

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Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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