Friday, December 9, 2022

Why TikTok makes you a better copywriter

Alex In My Inbox #43
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Hey friend, happy Friday!

Welcome to Edition 43 of Alex In My Inbox.

Alex In My Inbox is a weekly copywriting series where I share interesting, actionable, and hilarious copywriting tips from "Alex."

Alex is an anonymous copywriter who shares these tips with me so that I can share them with you.

Before we dive in, I wanted to let you know about the best marketing group I'm in.

My friend Nick Shackelford is behind it. 

No exaggeration, this is THE best online community of marketers I have come across yet.

Media buyers with millions in ad spend.
Copywriters with unbelievable track records.
Brand owners doing $40M+ (lots of them…)

Look, I'm normally not big on sharing groups like this… but GeekHub is that good.

I would feel bad not sharing it with you guys to be honest. That's why I asked Shack if he could give me a hookup for you. And of course he pulled through (per usual, love that guy).

Here's a private discount link (just for my list) - it discounts your first month by 96%

They are literally letting you join almost free, just cover the tiny cost that Slack charges them for a new workspace member.

And to be honest, I looked at Slack's workspace member cost and I think GeekHub is actually losing money on this deal Month 1 (it costs more than $6 to add a member when I checked lol).

It's a no brainer in my opinion guys.

Plus, I'm in there right now… so come hang out with me.

Now let's dive in... 

Today, Alex has an email for you to preach the good word of "doom scrolling on social media", because it actually makes you a better writer.

Let's jump right into it. 

Dear Chase,

I have been a degenerate lately. 

I don't mean I've been gambling my life savings away and consuming illicit substances. That's in my past.

I am much tamer now, and my downtime consists mostly of watching TikTok and Netflix. 

AKA: The stuff that gurus tell you NEVER to do.

I, Alex, am the anti-guru.

I don't want you to be a cold-shower-taking, meditating, routine-having loser.

I want you to be a regular person who just so happens to make a bunch of money as a great copywriter. 

Which is why I am going to ENABLE you into doing self-destructive behaviors so that you can be a better writer. 

I scroll TikTok for about 4 hours a day. 

An hour in the morning when I wake up, an hour during lunch break, and two hours at night. Sometimes more. 

It's a lot, but I don't care. It's the reason I have magic fingers. 

I've decided to justify my actions by creating a list of good reasons why this is a good thing, and you should do it too so you can be a better copywriter. 

Here goes. 

Good reason #1: It keeps you up to date on trends.

There's nothing worse than being a boomer who starts using memes 6 months after they've died out.

Brands do this a lot. It's so cringe. 

If you're going to use a trend in your emails or your ads, you need to do it within a week or two of it catching traction. If you wait longer than that, you're going to be laughed at and everyone's gonna call you a loser. 

Some of the best emails I've ever written have been a reference to some meme that's circulating on TikTok. And TikTok is the birthplace of most relevant memes today. 

Good reason #2: It teaches you about people (ie. your target audience).

How are you going to write copy speaking to "regular people" if you don't know how regular people think?

That's right. You can't. 

It is SO IMPORTANT to study the behavior and the actions of regular people who aren't in your close circle. 

You realize what they're obsessed with. You realize what they think about. You realize what they stress over. 

This is part of market research. 

If you can have a decent understanding of what the general population cares about, you will have a much easier time writing copy. 

This is now engrained in me. That's why I have no problem spinning up an entire email in like 2 minutes. I already know what I'm going to write before I even open the Google Doc. 

Good Reason #3: It helps you unlock your creativity.

I use the word "unlock" for a reason. It actually already exists inside of you, but you need to summon it.

Watching other people be creative will carve neural pathways in your brain to allow you to think bigger. 

You watch someone make a connection that you wouldn't have made yourself, and it allows you to think about things in a different way. 

You don't have to copy someone's creativity and just steal their idea, but watching them be creative will give you ideas for how YOU can be creative, too. 

So, Chase:

That's why I highly recommend you start watching 4 hours of TikTok a day.

And I think you should make Shay do the same thing. Get her an iPad and allot 4 hours of screen time per day for TikTok only. 

And for the bun in the oven, do the same thing. Scroll TikTok near your wife's belly. 

Hopefully baby's first word will be "renegade".

If you don't get that joke, this email is for you. 

Yours truly, 


Sent from my — woah, am I famous?


I highly recommend joining GeekHub while the 96% off your first month is valid.



P.S. For those interested in discovering great newsletters, check out one called 
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© 2022 Chase Dimond

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Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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