Thursday, January 26, 2023

Send these emails!

I'm teeing these campaigns up for you
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Hey Friend,

This is a fun one. We've got a couple of super relevant Valentine's Day email campaigns, and then some emails that'll make you laugh.

What more could you ask for? This is gonna be great.

Real quick, last week I shared details on a fulfillment marketplace that's been helping our clients solve their "3PL problems".

Turns out I underestimated how MANY of you are having similar issues.

You sent a ton of questions, and I got with CEO Joe Spisak to get you some answers on the most common ones:

Q: How is the service free? Most brokers I've talked with require an upfront retainer to engage.

Joe: As an ecom brand owner myself, I've always thought the idea of paying to find a 3PL is ridiculous. That's why we structured our marketplace so that you pay nothing. Instead, we get a small commission from the 3PL if you choose one of our recommendations.

Q: Does operate a fulfillment center also? How do we know there isn't a bias?

Joe: Nope! does not run a fulfillment center or have ownership of any 3PLs on our network. I scaled and sold a 3PL a few years ago and then launched our marketplace to ensure both brands AND 3PLs partner successfully. We send you our top recommendations, but the final decision is yours (obviously).

Q: What makes different from a standard fulfillment broker?

Joe: First, we've been in your position before (every person on our team has scaled and sold a brand, a 3PL, or a marketing agency in the last 5 years). So we know what to look for from the start. And second, we don't spam your request to everyone on our marketplace. We sort 250+ 3PLs down to a top 5 and introduce you to only the most qualified ones.

There you have it. I hope this was helpful!

Also, Joe and his team are an open book so fire away. You can get in touch with them here or by emailing

Now let's jump into today's edition.


Campaign Idea 1 - The Romantic V Day Email:

  • Email Examples:

    The Romantic V Day Email Example 1

    The Romantic V Day Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    Valentine's Day is around the corner. Are you ready? These brands are. Obviously, the romantic, lovey vibe isn't for every brand, but some brands lean heavily into the relationship angle. If you're encouraging some lovebirds on your email list to celebrate Valentine's Day together and spend some money, these emails are for you.

    Example 1 is from Ray Bands. I actually didn't know they sent emails until I saw this in my inbox this week.

    This email is very simple. "It's Valentine's Day, go shopping." That's really it. It doesn't have to be more complicated than calling out the sale, highlighting a product or a collection for both men and women, and then driving traffic. If you remember, I love emails that say less than they should be saying. That level of curiosity drives more clicks so people can get the full picture. Good stuff.

    Example 2 is from Gorjana, and I love this email.

    The design here is great. The structure is great. The copy is great. I wouldn't change a thing. This brand is known for having great one-liners and describing their products/collections in a really pretty way. Fashion and jewelry brands are masters of brand voice. We can all learn a lot from them and how they communicate their benefits, no matter what you're selling.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your Engaged Subscriber Segment


  • Subject Line Ideas: 

    - A gift from us, to you, to them.

    - Gifting for someone?

    - Let this gift do the talking.

  • Preview Text Ideas:

    - We'll say it was your idea.

    - We thought ahead.

    - Open to reveal.

Campaign Idea 2 - The Non-Romantic V Day Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The Non-Romantic V Day Email Example 1

    The Non-Romantic V Day Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    This is the Valentine's Day email for when love is not in the air. If you're a B2B company, or you're just really professional and strict with your voice, you can still send an email for Valentine's Day. Send campaigns like this and you can still reap the benefits of doing a sales push over Valentine's Day.

    Example 1 is from The Sill. For a company that sells plants, you'd think they'd make a romantic play here. Nope, they went platonic. Gifting for friends and family is implied here. When you use the term "loved one" when gifting, you don't count out anyone. This is a smart play to capture as much value opportunity as possible. Someone may not be buying for a significant other, but they are buying for their mom or aunt. Even small tweaks in language like that make a difference.

    Example 2 is from Monos. This design made me feel things. Love this. This email had essentially nothing to do with Valentine's Day except for the fact that the sale ends on Valentine's Day, but that's totally okay. They have a great offer and a great opportunity to pump it. Side note, feel free to make jokes about how you're single or loveless on Valentine's Day in your emails. Some audiences will resonate with it. Get creative, have fun, and don't put pressure on yourself to walk on any eggshells.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - Are you sick of love?

    - Valentine's Day for single people

    - You single? Ha ha ha. Us too. 

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - We got a deal for you.

    - Gift yoself. 

    - Let's sulk together.

Campaign Idea 3 - The Random Funny Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The Random Funny Email Example 1

    The Random Funny Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    This is a thing I'm gonna start doing. Instead of trying to find categories that fit these funny emails so I can show them to you, I'm just gonna put them under this label. The point here is to show you how other brands are being funny, and hopefully show you how to reverse engineer it so you can be funny too! Check these out.

    Example 1 is from Disco, one of our favorites. This email is hilarious, and it's even funnier because I know which writer on my team did this. For a bit of background, Disco relies on the voice and presence of their in-house dermatology consultant, Dr. Eva. This type of angle to throw a problem/solution at this audience is genius and I love to see it. This email shows us that you're allowed to be silly, even if you're giving medical advice...within reason...

    Example 2 is from Liquid Death, another contender for best in email humor. This is another silly campaign that probably crushed for them. As a brand that can do anything, they DO do everything. From water to dog toys only makes sense for Liquid Death. If you were to ask a copywriter if this is a "good" sales email, they'd laugh at you. But we don't care what copywriters think. This is hilarious, it's sharable, and it's one of the reasons why Liquid Death is one of the best brands around today. Creativity here is unmatched.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Concept + Subject Line Idea: 

    - Why we're the X of Y

    - POV: You're in a situation you don't wanna be in

    - Did you know X was also Y?

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - We promise this will make sense.

    - Don't you wanna see what happens?

    - This is about to get weird.

That's a wrap!

This was a fun one. I hope you use some of these in the next week. As always, you have complete freedom with email marketing. You don't have to confine yourself to sales-only concepts. Go outside of the box and make a lasting impression.

And if your current 3PL is dropping the ball, I highly recommend having a conversation with Joe and his team to see how they can help. You can do that here.




© 2023 Chase Dimond

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Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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