Tuesday, February 14, 2023

What's Going On In the Sky?

Hi ,

Well folks, the weirdness continues...

If you had UFOs on your 2023 checklist, go ahead and cross it off.

Maybe not tiny green aliens, but the US military did admit to shooting down Unidentified Flying Objects.

I mean, a car-sized craft over Alaska, another over Canada, and a "flying Octagon" over Lake Huron? That's some sci-fi level stuff right there!

Meanwhile, Ohio is having it's own version of Chernobyl.

A train carrying a hazardous chemical called vinyl chloride derailed, and was eventually released, created a mushroom cloud seen for hundreds of miles. Residents were forced to evacuate, and upon return, are still complaining of headaches, sickness, and bad drinking water.

Livestock dying in masses are being reported. Pristine Ohio farmland destroyed, and worse, chemicals spilling into the Ohio River Basin which provides drinking water to over 5 million people. The EPA says that contaminated soil was not disposed of properly. It's a mess. And is seemingly being swept under the rug completely.

Meanwhile, the government wants you focused on UFOs...

Regardless, this is just another major event that is going to add chaos to an already "hanging-by-a-thread" world.

At Valley Food Storage, these are the things we prepare for (maybe not aliens, but you know...) and we encourage you to do the same.

Stay safe and vigilant out there,


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